Nobody likes cockroach infestations. Cockroaches are just not very appealing because they eat disgusting food and live in the most unsanitary places. Cockroaches are not just disgusting; they are also potentially very dangerous. Here are the five prominent dangers of cockroach infestations to be aware of.
1. They carry disease-causing bacteria
Cockroaches love sewage, trash bins, and other unsanitary places, so, it’s really not surprising that they carry disease-causing bacteria. These vile pests are known to spread salmonella, staphylococcus, and streptococcus.
Some of these bacteria don’t just come from the cockroaches’ skin. They can also come from the cockroaches’ guts. For example, the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa thrive in the guts of cockroaches. Once infected cockroaches eat some food, the food item will be contaminated with the bacteria.
If you happen to consume this item, you can develop a variety of digestive problems and urinary tract infections. Diseases are some of the biggest dangers of cockroach infestations.
2. They can contaminate your food
When cockroaches eat, they regurgitate their saliva. They basically spit on your food with the stuff from their guts. It doesn’t help that these pests are likely to carry bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa in their guts. In other words, they contaminate their food before they even consume it.
This is dangerous for humans, especially if you have consumed the same food item. What makes this even more dangerous is the fact that cockroaches will practically eat anything. As long as it’s organic, it’s consumable for cockroaches. Everything is fair game, whether they are animal feces or bacon.
This means that all easily accessible food items inside your home are at risk. They can be contaminated with bacteria if your home is suffering from a cockroach infestation.

3. They can scratch you with their leg spines
Do cockroaches bite? The short answer is yes. But it’s not that simple.
Even though cockroaches bite, it’s not as often as some people claim. In fact, cockroaches rarely bite. They will only bite and eat human flesh if there are no other means to survive. If the cockroaches in your home bite, they are probably overcrowded in their nests. You probably have a serious infestation in your hands. Even if cockroach bites are rare, they do occur, so you should still be wary.
The thing you should be more concerned about is their heavy leg spines. They can scratch you and end up wounding you. And because cockroaches are dirty, it’s not farfetched to think that the wound could be infected.
4. They can trigger allergies and asthma attacks
Cockroaches don’t just carry bacteria. They also carry allergens. These allergens can trigger allergies and asthma attacks, particularly in children. They are usually found in the cockroaches’ saliva, feces, and even shedding body parts. They act like dust mites, scattering in the air and triggering allergies and asthma attacks.
And it’s more common than you think. According to the National Pest Management Association, more than 60% of American homes have cockroach allergens. It’s even worse in more urbanized areas, with the percentage rising to 78 to 98%.
Allergies and asthma attacks can be minor enough to be effectively treated with home remedies. But severe allergies and asthma attacks can be life-threatening. You should consider them as a medical emergency. Seek medical attention immediately if you think they are not minor cases anymore.
5. They can get inside your body
Anybody who has encountered cockroaches can attest to their resilience. These pests can survive even if you completely flatten them. Cockroaches are survivors. They can survive without food, water, and even air for a long time. They also like to stay in places where they can be safe, such as cracks and crevices, cavities, and dark areas.
Unfortunately, you have a lot of these on your body too. Yes, cockroaches can get inside your body and stay there long enough to become an inconvenience. Your most vulnerable body part is the ear. It’s dark and tight – a perfect place for cockroaches to stay.
They can crawl up your ears, damage your eardrums, and even make their way into your brain. Just thinking about it is a nightmare. To be fair to cockroaches, they are not actively trying to get inside your body. Your ears just happen to be dark and tight. Cockroaches getting inside your body is even rarer than them biting you, but it does happen.

What you can do about these dangers
Prevention will always be better than cure. That’s why it’s better to prevent cockroach infestations than to fight the dangers associated with these pests. But if you do encounter these dangers, there are some things you can do.
- Take over-the-counter antihistamines and decongestants. Antihistamines and decongestants will treat minor allergic reactions. Antihistamines can treat hives, itchy skin, sneezing, and watery eyes. Decongestants can help ease nasal congestion.
- Seek medical attention. Some conditions require more than over-the-counter medicine. Remember that severe allergic reactions and asthma attacks are considered medical emergencies. Don’t hesitate to go to the hospital if you notice that the conditions are not minor, especially if the patient is a child.
- Make your home unattractive to cockroaches. Cockroaches are attracted to your home because of two main reasons – food and shelter. If you make food and shelter accessible, they may find their new nest in your home. Store food properly and keep the cleanliness of your home. Fix cracks and holes too, as they can become passageways from outside critters like cockroaches.
- Hire professional pest control services. You can’t always DIY your way out of your problems. Some problems require professional services, such as severe cockroach infestations. DIY solutions and repellents will only work if you are trying to prevent an infestation or combatting a minor one. For severe infestations, hiring professional pest controllers is the wisest choice.
These are the most prominent dangers of cockroach infestations
Cockroach infestations pose a lot of different dangers to humans. But these dangers can be summed up to this – cockroaches can make us sick. The medical conditions can range from mild to severe, but you shouldn’t risk it. It’s better to prevent the dangers than to treat them.
There is a high risk and danger with the cockroach infestation. They can harm you in various ways regarding your health and wealth as well. It is necessary to identify the danger caused by cockroach infestation and how to overcome that. The information that you have shared with us will help us in doing that better. Thank you for sharing this useful information with us.
Hi Manoj,
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