Houseflies may not be the first pests that spring to mind when it comes to infestations, but they can be very worrying, because houseflies are so effective at spreading diseases. So, it’s good to know that there are a lot of home remedies for getting rid of houseflies that work.
1. Basil
Some herbs have properties that naturally repel pests such as houseflies. These properties are often their oil extracts or smells.
One of the most effective among these herbs for houseflies is basil. The pests simply cannot stand the smell of this herb. To get rid of houseflies using this herb, simply crush a few basil leaves and let them steep in hot water for about 30 minutes. Put the leaves away and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture around your home, especially on spots with high housefly activity.
You can also plant basil in your garden as a protective barrier against houseflies, so these pests won’t bother you again in the future.
2. Boiling water
No, you probably can’t pour boiling water fast enough to kill houseflies. Remember that these pests have fast reactions. There is no point trying to face them head-on. This home remedy works by targeting maggots.
Houseflies can thrive in a lot of places, but they thrive particularly well in spots where there is an immediate source of food and water, like the trash cans outside your home. If you have unmaintained trash cans in your garden, lawn, and yard, there is a good chance that they have maggots.
Simply pour boiling water into the infested trash cans. Make sure to clean and disinfect the trash cans afterward and practice proper waste management to avoid re-infestation.
3. Cayenne pepper
For organic gardeners, cayenne pepper is one of the go-to home remedies for houseflies and other pests, such as beetles and leafhoppers. Like basil, the most effective way to use cayenne pepper is to make a spray out of it.
The great thing about cayenne pepper is that it is very accessible. You can use whole cayenne peppers, ground cayenne pepper, and even hot sauce with cayenne pepper in it, no matter how ridiculous that sounds.
When making your cayenne pepper mixture, wear goggles, face masks, and gloves if you can. Cayenne pepper can be very irritating for your eyes, lungs, and skin.

4. Cloves and lemons
This is an excellent combination. Cloves have a powerful and sweet smell. Lemons have natural bug repellent properties that are recognized. You can even find lemons in many pesticides, including fly repellents.
The combination of cloves and lemons won’t just drive houseflies away. It will also give off a sweet scent that can liven up your property. Simply cut lemons in half and place a few pieces of cloves on top of them. Place these on areas with high housefly activity. You can also place them on passageways such as doors and windows to prevent houseflies from entering your home.
Some homeowners have good results with the essential oil versions of cloves and lemons too. Dilute them in water and spray them around your property.
5. Lavender
Lavender is another herb with so many uses. It can be an ingredient for culinary recipes. It can be the core item for aromatherapy. And it can be the natural housefly repellent you are looking for.
Because of its usefulness, lavender can be found in a lot of forms. You can find it as a whole herb or as an essential oil, and either will be great for housefly control. If you are using the herb, steep a few pieces in hot water like you are making tea. If you are using essential oil, dilute a few drops in water. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and spray around your property.
Like basil, you can use lavender as a protective barrier against houseflies. Plant lavender outside your home or put some in a watered vase and place the vase near windows.
6. Vinegar
Vinegar is one of the most accessible home remedies you can use for houseflies. You probably already have some in your kitchen right now. But take note that the vinegar you should use is apple cider vinegar, not white vinegar.
With that said, you can make a vinegar trap that attracts houseflies. Simply mix apple cider vinegar and dish soap in a glass. Cover the glass with a plastic wrap and secure the plastic wrap in place with a rubber band. Poke some holes on the plastic wrap to give way to the houseflies.
Houseflies will be attracted to the vinegar, but they will sink in the mixture because of the dish soap.

Other ways to get rid of houseflies
Yes, you can get rid of houseflies using home remedies. But they are not the only effective methods out there.
- Call a pest control professional. When it comes to pests such as houseflies, nothing beats the effectiveness of hiring pest control professionals.
- Use pesticides. The most common pesticides for houseflies are pyrethrin-based. Make sure to look for this ingredient when shopping for pesticides.
- Use traps. Fly traps aren’t always DIY. There are ready-made traps out there too, like sticky traps and zappers.
Quick tips to keep your home free of houseflies
Sure, getting rid of houseflies is great. But the effort is futile if a new batch of houseflies will take over. Prevent houseflies from coming back with these simple habit changes.
- Store your food and water properly. Houseflies are attracted to the resources around your property. Put them in cabinets, containers, or refrigerators where they are not easily accessible.
- Cover your trash cans. Trash cans are a haven for houseflies. They are not just safe resting places. They are also food and water sources. Keep the lids of your trash cans down. Don’t let the trash cans overflow either.
- Keep your doors, windows, and other passageways closed. Like you and your pets, houseflies get in and out of your property using doors and windows. It doesn’t help if you have infrastructure damage around your home too, such as cracks and holes on your walls. Close all passageways and repair all damages.