Homeowners who are experiencing a termite infestation already have their hands full. But they may have another question whose answer has the potential to make things even worse – do termites bite humans? The short answer is yes. But it is not as simple as it sounds….
Termites do bite humans
Even though termites can technically bite humans, it’s not something that you should be overly concerned about. Property damage should be your biggest concern, considering that termites cause billions of dollars in structural damage a year.
- They are not big or strong enough to seriously hurt you. Termites are small animals, usually measuring just between 4 and 15 millimeters. They don’t have big or strong enough mandibles to cause serious damage. But termite bites can result in red bumps that may burn or irritate you, so you shouldn’t be too complacent either.
- They like to live deep within their nest with little to no contact with others. Termites are not exactly the most social of animals. They like to live deep within their nest and just expand their colony. This is part of the reason why some termite control methods become ineffective. Sometimes, the termites are so deep within their nest that termiticides don’t even reach them. They are not likely to get in direct contact with you or anybody in your household.
- They are not in the habit of biting people. Termite colonies have a caste system similar to that of ants. They have soldiers, workers, and other distinct roles. The ones most likely to bite humans are soldier ants, and that’s only because they are trying to defend their colony from potential threats. They are not very likely to bite you unless you irritate them.
In short, termites are just small and reclusive creatures that are really not that interested in you, so they are not likely to bite.

Symptoms of termite bites
Termites rarely bite humans. But in the off-chance that they do, here are the symptoms you should look out for.
- Bumps. Termite bites are often not serious health risks. They just turn into red bumps, much like many other insect bites. However, they can swell, especially if you have sensitive skin. The bumps usually go away within a few days.
- Mild burning sensation. Termite saliva has properties that help break down the cellulose that they feed on deep within your wooden furniture. These properties may cause a burning sensation in the bitten area.
- Pain and irritation. When termites bite you, you may feel a slight pinch. You may not even feel anything because of how small and weak they are. But some people have reported pain and irritation from termite bites. The irritation may be exacerbated by the termite saliva properties.
What to do with termite bites
If you are one of the unlucky few who are actually bitten by these small and reclusive creatures, here are some things you can do.
- Make sure they are actually termite bites. Termite bites are not exactly unique. They are burning and painful red bumps, much like many other insect bites. It’s easy to assume that they come from bed bugs, fleas, or other similar pests. It’s important to know what kind of bite you have, so you know what kind of pest you have at home too. This way, you will know what kind of pest control method to implement.
- Try over-the-counter solutions. Ask your local pharmacist about the best solution for insect bites. The professional may recommend over-the-counter anti-itch creams or oral medications. Make sure to take them properly to ensure their effectiveness and safety.
- Consult a doctor if symptoms persist. Termites are not known to spread diseases. But what if the bites you have are actually from more powerful and toxic insects? You may suffer from prolonged symptoms or even life-threatening conditions. Seek medical attention if you think they are more than just irritating and itchy bumps.
Sure, termite bites rarely happen, and they often are just a nuisance. But you can never be too complacent. Insect bites and stings can be very dangerous. For instance, a yellow jacket sting can cause a severe allergic reaction that can kill a person.

Property damage is a bigger concern
The biggest threat of termites is their ability to cause structural damage in your home. You can also say that this is a bigger health risk than weak and unlikely termite bites, considering that a damaged structure can collapse and hurt you.
- Call pest control professionals. Termites are the kind of pest that you can’t easily eliminate on your own. It is possible, but you are better off hiring pest control professionals who know how to handle your problem more efficiently and safely. They will be able to diagnose your termite problem and use the appropriate termite control method for your case.
- Be wary of the dangers of some termite control methods. Because termites are tricky pests, you may have to cooperate carefully with pest control professionals instead of fully relying on them to get rid of your termite problem. For instance, safety after-procedures may be necessary after termite tenting, an effective but potentially dangerous termite control method.
- Try DIY and natural remedies. If you really want to solve your termite problem yourself, there are DIY and natural remedies available. You can use boric acid, diatomaceous earth, salt, vinegar, and even soapy water in the termite nest. But take note that these methods can be ineffective, especially if the termite infestation has already spread to multiple parts of your home.
Termites technically do bite humans
Yes, termites can bite humans. But they do this rarely because they would rather stay deep within their nests. And even if they do happen to bite humans, they are often negligible. The bites disappear in a few days. If they don’t, you may want to get them checked by a medical professional.
The danger of termites comes from their ability to destroy your property. You should be more concerned about how they can destroy your property than how they can bite you.