When you read articles online about DIY termite control, you notice that many of them suggest using boiling water. But how effective is it in getting rid of termites? Does boiling water kill termites? Yes, it does. But its effectiveness is very limited…
Pros and cons of using boiling water to kill termites
- Boiling water does kill termites. There are so many articles out there recommending termite home remedies. Many of the things they suggest are not even effective. For instance, many of them suggest using baking soda to get rid of termites naturally. But baking soda is not effective. This is one of the pros of using boiling water to kill termites — it actually works unlike some of the suggested home remedies out there.
- Hot water is very accessible. Some natural termite control methods are just weird. Some use biological control agents like nematodes — small worms that kill termites and other pests. But the use of nematodes can be complicated. You have to look for reputable sellers, find a way to transport them properly to your home, and read instructions on how to use them properly to get rid of termites. The great thing about boiling water is that it’s very accessible. You can make some right now in your kitchen. It’s also very easy to use. Just pour the hot water into the termite nest bothering your property.
- This method is a lot safer compared to others. There are pesticides specifically formulated to get rid of termites. They are called termiticides. But the problem with these pesticides is that they can be harmful to you too. For instance, sulfuryl fluoride, one of the main ingredients of fumigants, has harmed and even killed people. You will not have to face such risks if you choose to get rid of termites with boiling water. The only concern is burning on your skin, but that is a lot easier to prevent and deal with compared to harmful chemicals that can kill you.

- Boiling water can only kill on contact. Boiling water as a natural remedy for termites has its limitations. It can only kill the termites it comes into contact with. This can be a problem. Termites can have intricate colonies that have a lot of deep and inaccessible tunnels. Boiling water won’t necessarily get to them, meaning that the termites hiding in these parts won’t get killed. Because of this, it’s difficult to use boiling water to get rid of full-blown termite infestations.
- It’s not effective against specific kinds of termites. Yes, boiling water can only kill on contact. But this limitation can also depend on the kind of termite you are dealing with. If you are dealing with subterranean termites, for example, this limitation is not really a huge concern. Subterranean termites live underground, so it’s easier for water to seep through their colonies. However, if you are dealing with drywood termites, boiling water can give you a hard time. Drywood termites live in wooden structures with high moisture, and the openings to their colonies are very small, making it difficult for water to pass through them.
- There are more effective methods out there. There are many termite control methods out there that are just more effective. Why even bother with boiling water if it is having such a hard time getting to the termites? One of the most effective methods out there is termite fumigation. In this method, your entire home is bombed with a fumigant gas that will surely seep into the deepest parts of the termite colonies to kill everything.

Calling pest control professionals
- Pest control professionals can diagnose the pest problem properly. Many homeowners rely on natural solutions like boiling water because they don’t want to bother with pest control professionals. These professionals cost money and time. But these homeowners don’t realize that they may be costing themselves even more money and time by using ineffective natural solutions. Pest control professionals will be able to diagnose the severity of your property’s problem, know the kind of termite you are dealing with, and use the proper termite control method that is best for your specific case.
- They have access to the most effective and potent ingredients. Regulatory bodies are aware of the potential dangers of termiticides. Exposure to these dangerous chemicals can have serious side effects, such as burning and itching in the eyes, difficulty breathing, excessive salivation, and skin irritation. There are even instances where people have been killed. Your pets and plants are also not safe. Only licensed pest control professionals have access to these dangerous chemicals. The great thing about these chemicals is that they are truly effective and potent. In the right hands, they can surely get rid of termite infestations.
- They can help prevent future infestations. You can also consult with your pest control professionals, so they can help prevent termites from coming back. You can also ask them to use termiticides with residual effects to give you more protection against future infestations. Use this opportunity to build a relationship with people who know more about pests than you. You won’t have the same perks if you try to get rid of the pests yourself.

Boiling water does kill termites, but should you use it?
Yes, boiling water does kill termites. The critters just can’t take the heat. There are other effective home remedies out there, such as vinegar. But like boiling water, these home remedies have their limitations. They need direct contact with the termites for them to work. Considering that termites hide deep within their colonies, these home remedies are not as effective as termiticides.
Pest control professionals are the only ones who have access to the best termiticides out there. In the wrong hands, these termiticides can be dangerous. They can even end up killing people. But in the hands of competent people, they can effectively and safely get rid of termite infestations — more so than natural remedies like boiling water.