Dog fleas are very hard to get rid of. Fleas are resilient pests because they breed and become adults very quickly. And to make things worse, many pet owners make mistakes when using dog flea treatments. Don’t be one of these pet owners. Here is our guide to avoiding dog flea treatment mistakes.
Dog flea treatment mistakes to avoid are:
1. Not using dog flea TREATMENTS at all
Some dog lovers don’t use flea treatments on their pooches There are so many reasons for this. They can be afraid of the side effects. Or they may simply hope and pray that the fleas go away on their own.
There can be side effects with flea treatments. But if you follow instructions and observe your dog carefully, these side effects should not be too much of a problem. Don’t expect fleas to go away on their own because they are quick breeders and spreaders.
2. USING ineffective dog flea treatments
There are so many flea treatments out there. There are those that you apply directly to your dog, such as flea collars, powders, sprays, and spot-on treatments. There are also those that your dog takes orally, such as flea tablets.
Different flea treatments have different pros and cons. For instance, flea collars are particularly effective for the dog’s neck area, which is a hotspot for fleas, but they leave the rest of the dog’s body a little bit more vulnerable to the pests. Flea tablets are great, but they can be difficult to use effectively if you cannot control your dog properly or your dog is a picky eater.
This is why it’s important to consult a veterinarian. They won’t just rule out ineffective dog flea treatments. They can also help determine the best kind of treatment for your dog’s medical history and personality.
3. DON’T rely on natural dog flea treatments
To avoid flea treatment side effects, many pet owners rely on natural remedies. One of the most popular ways to get rid of fleas naturally is through the use of lemon sprays. This is effective to some extent because limonene has insecticidal properties. But such natural remedies won’t completely get rid of your dog’s flea problem. Many of these so-called natural remedies don’t even kill fleas and just repel them. Beware of natural remedies you read about online.
It’s still better to use over-the-counter treatments or prescription medications.

4. Not consulting a veterinarian over dog flea treatments is a HUGE mistake
A veterinarian can give you over-the-counter treatments or prescription medications. But you may ask, why even bother and just buy the over-the-counter treatments yourself? Well, it’s not that simple. There are many factors to consider to ensure the effectiveness and safety of a product. For instance, a puppy may not be able to tolerate strong treatments. An overly sensitive dog may need milder options. And pregnant dogs may have specific needs.
If you consult a veterinarian, you are sure these factors will all be considered. The veterinarian can also help you when you do notice side effects. That’s the thing — even FDA-approved treatments have side effects. And having a veterinarian with you in the treatment process is just the safest bet.
5. Not following dog flea treatment INSTRUCTIONS
If you don’t read the instructions, even over-the-counter products can become dangerous. One of the most common dog flea treatment mistakes is wrong application. If a product says to only apply it on the skin, then apply it only on the skin, not the fur.
Another mistake is inconsistent application. Make sure to apply the flea treatment as consistently as instructed, not just when you feel like it.
6. Using the same flea treatment for ALL of your pets can be dangerous!
You may think you can save money by using the same flea treatment for all your pets, but this can actually cost you more in the form of hospital bills. Aside from the usual problems that may arise from different ages, medical histories, and sizes, you also can’t use the same flea treatments for cats and dogs.
any flea treatments contain permethrin or its variants. This is not a problem for dogs. But this is extremely dangerous for cats. Your feline friends can’t metabolize these ingredients properly. You will basically poison them if you use products with these ingredients on them.

7. NOT isolating your flea-infested dog
Your pets get a lot of physical contact with each other. They play and even lick each other during downtime. This can be dangerous if you are using a flea treatment product that is used on fur or skin. One of your pets can accidentally ingest the harmful ingredients in the product, resulting in diarrhea, vomiting, and other side effects. So, you should separate your flea-infested dog from the rest of your pets.
8. Not CLEANING your home
Fleas can thrive anywhere in your home, including pet bedding and your own bed. When your dog is undergoing flea treatment, make sure to clean your entire home to get rid of the fleas around.
Fleas can also thrive particularly well outside of your home — in your garden where there are a lot of places and debris where they can hide.
You can avoid making dog flea treatment mistakes
Now you know the most common dog flea treatment mistakes you should be able to ensure that the flea treatment process is both effective and safe.