Bed bugs are small pests — measuring only one to seven millimetres. If you are getting bitten by bed bugs during the night, the dark surroundings may make these pests difficult to spot. You may want to search for them when the sun is out. But how do you actually find bed bugs during the day?
Why bed bugs are hard to find even during the day
- Bed bugs are nocturnal pests. Bed bugs are more active during the night. They have developed this nature to avoid getting caught by their victims. They use their small size and the surrounding darkness to make them difficult to see. Try to find bed bugs during the day. They are still kind of difficult to spot because of their small size. But at least they can’t hide in the darkness anymore.
- They hide after their blood meals. Bed bugs feed on the blood of their victims. Bed bug bites should concern you. They are not just itchy. They can also lead to allergic reactions, wounds, and infections. After biting and feeding on you for a few minutes, these bloodsuckers quickly hide, usually in cracks and crevices near your bed. This is why you may sometimes wake up with bed bug bites even when you don’t see bed bugs around.
- They feed only once a week. Bed bugs don’t want you around either. Once they feed on you, they hide and mind their own business elsewhere. They don’t want to be near you at all times. They only want to be near you when they need to feed. This is one of the reasons why bed bugs are hard to find – whatever time of day you look for them.

How to find bed bugs during the day
1. Know the signs of bed bug activity
You have to know the signs of bed bug infestations first. These signs indicate their activities. When you see these signs, they are nearby.
- Live bed bugs, carcasses, and eggs. Bed bugs are reddish-brown insects. You may see carcasses and shells in areas where they hide. You may also see bed bug eggs. These are milky white capsules that you will often see in clusters.
- Brown and red stains. Bed bugs leave stains behind. These stains can either be brown or red. Brown stains are fecal matter while red stains are blood from their victims. You will see these stains in mattresses, soft-cushioned chairs and sofas, and even carpets.
- Musky smells. You may notice musky smells in rooms with bed bugs. This is because bed bugs release pheromones. You may not be able to smell the pheromones from one bed bug. But the pheromones can quickly build up when you have a full-blown bed bug infestation.
2. Inspect their common hiding spots
Bed bugs may be difficult to find because they are good at hiding. But they become more manageable if you know where to look. Here are the spots you should inspect first.
- Furniture, especially those near your bed. Your entire bed should be your priority — the mattress, the sheets, and the bed frame itself. Look at cracks and crevices. Look at corners, especially on your mattress and your bed frame. Don’t forget about the bottom corners of your bed frame too. They are common hiding spots for bed bug eggs. Don’t forget other furniture pieces near your bed too, such as bedside tables and cabinets.
- Carpets, curtains, and walls. Bed bugs can thrive beyond your bed area. They can be hiding in your carpets, curtains, and walls. You will often see the signs of bed bug activity here, such as bed bug carcasses and brown stains.
- Undisturbed cabinets and clothing. Bed bugs like areas that you don’t frequently touch. If you have a cabinet nearby for old clothes, take a look at it. It may have become a safe haven for these parasitic insects.
3. Get rid of bed bugs with DIY methods
- Declutter your home. Bed bugs are not necessarily attracted to clutter, but these can be good hiding spots. Look at old books and magazines, shoeboxes, and other random stuff around your room. If the items have no practical use or sentimental value, consider throwing them away. This will give you an easier time in trying to find bed bugs during the day.
- Try bed bug traps. It’s very difficult to get rid of full-blown bed bug infestations by yourself. It’s better to get help from pest control professionals. However, you can help find the hiding bloodsuckers by setting up traps such as detectors and lures. You can search for these online.
- Use heat. Bed bugs die when they are exposed to extreme heat, usually above 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This is why heat treatment is one of the most effective ways to get rid of bed bugs. The problem here is that it can be quite inaccessible. Not everyone has a steam cleaner.

Pros of finding bed bugs during the day
- Sunlight makes bed bugs more visible. Looking for bed bugs during the day is not an automatic win against these pests. But it does help. The sunlight illuminates not just your room but also the dark corners, cracks, and crevices where bed bugs hide. However, it’s still ideal to bring a flashlight with you if the area you are inspecting is still too dark.
- Bed bugs are less active during the day. Their nocturnal nature makes them more vulnerable during the day. They are less likely to put up a fight if you find them and get rid of them during the day.
- You can include your bed bug hunting in your daily chores. Looking for bed bugs during the day is just efficient. You can include your bed bug hunting in your daily routine, such as cleaning your bedroom.
Call pest control professionals to have an easier time
Bed bugs are complicated pests. They are masters at hiding. Usually, amateur homeowners won’t be able to get rid of these pests on their own, no matter how much effort they exert in DIY methods. It’s just better to get help from pest control professionals.
With that said, you can still help in trying to find bed bugs. Look for bed bug activity in common bed bug hiding spots.