We all know that mosquitoes are bad news. They are some of the deadliest animals on the planet — spreaders of dengue, malaria, and other terrible diseases. They often live close to humans too, making us even more vulnerable. But do you notice that some areas around your home seem to attract mosquitoes more than others, like your garage, for instance? Here are some ways to get rid of mosquitoes in your garage.
Why you have mosquitoes in your garage
You have mosquitoes in your garage because the outside of your home is the perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes, and your garage is unfortunately near your garden, lawn, or yard. Your garage is also dark, hot, and moist – a perfect place for mosquitoes to thrive.
- Mosquitoes are breeding in stagnant water nearby. Mosquitoes live in marshes, rainforests, swamps, and other wetlands. This is because they breed in stagnant water. Unfortunately, stagnant water can be found even just outside your home. Even the small pools of water in your bird baths, gutters, and ponds can be mosquito breeding grounds. The mosquitoes breeding on your property can end up in your garage, especially because your garage is easily connected to your garden, lawn, or yard.
- Your garage is easily accessible. In a typical home design, the garage is easily accessible from the outside. Only a door separates the garage from the outside world and all its dangers. When you open this door, it’s not surprising that the mosquitoes breeding just outside your home fly inside, putting you and your family at risk of mosquito bites and mosquito-borne diseases.
- There are a lot of hiding places in your garage. Mosquitoes can breed and thrive indoors because there are stagnant water sources inside your home as well, especially in your bathrooms and kitchens. But moisture can accumulate in certain parts of your home too, like in your garage. Your garage may also have a lot of clutter where mosquitoes can hide and rest. This part of your home can also be relatively warmer compared to the other parts of your home, and as such, they become particularly attractive to mosquitoes, who thrive in warmer temperatures.

Things you can do inside your garage
Buy mosquito-killing products or make some yourself, but be careful of DIY methods because their effectiveness can be limited. Also, close all potential passageways that mosquitoes use to get inside your garage.
- Use commercial products like insecticides and traps. Insecticides and traps are the two most common products you can buy to get rid of the mosquitoes in your garage. They may sound complicated, but they are not. They come with instructions that you can follow to ensure their effectiveness and safety. Some people don’t even read the instructions and just spray the insecticides or place the traps. Just a word of caution – insecticides have toxic ingredients that can be harmful to you and traps such as bug zappers can harm even beneficial insects.
- Try DIY products. You can also make products yourself. Here’s an article we have written about three DIY mosquito traps that actually work. You can make them with very accessible home items, such as soda bottles, black socks, and box fans. You can’t, however, make a DIY alternative for commercial insecticides. The best things you can come up with are mosquito repellents. And as their name suggests, they only repel mosquitoes, not kill them. They will not completely get rid of the mosquitoes in your garage.
- Clean up and cover up. Clean up the clutter and moisture in your garage to prevent them from becoming mosquito breeding grounds and hiding spots. You should also make sure that your garage is not easily accessible. Cover doors and windows with screens. Seal cracks and holes on the wall. Remember that the average mosquito is only about three to six millimeters. They will be able to get through the smallest of cracks and other potential passageways.
Things you can do outside your garage
Prevent mosquitoes from thriving outside your home. The less attractive your property is to mosquitoes, the less likely they are to nest and thrive there.
- Get rid of stagnant water. Stagnant water is the number one thing you should eliminate. This is much more common around you than you think. The not-so-obvious culprits are craters on your garden soil that accumulate water, deep lines in your pavement, and gutters. But don’t forget about the bigger and more obvious sources, especially if they are not maintained properly. Bird baths, ponds, potted plants and vases, rain barrels, and swimming pools come to mind.
- Trim your greeneries. Mosquitoes don’t just look for stagnant water. They also look for places to hide and rest, especially during the day when the sun is high and the temperature is dangerous for them. During the day, winds are also stronger, so they seek shelter against them too. They look for places that are dark and preferably humid. And unfortunately, plants, shrubs, and trees provide these conditions. To prevent your greeneries from giving shelter to these dangerous insects, cut them short.
- Try biological control. Sure, the stagnant water in your garden pond may attract mosquitoes. But it can also prevent mosquitoes at the same time, especially if there is a thriving fish population in it. Fishes are natural mosquito predators because they eat mosquito larvae. They will not completely make your property free of mosquitoes, but they can help. Other water sources outside your home, like bird baths and pots, can attract other natural mosquito predators like birds and frogs. The key is to maintain these water sources by cleaning or replacing them, so they don’t become breeding grounds as well.

Get rid of mosquitoes in your garage now
You have mosquitoes in your garage simply because your garage is accessible and has the perfect conditions for mosquitoes to thrive. If mosquitoes are already breeding outside your home, it’s likely that they will make their way into your home through your garage.
The simplest way to get rid of the mosquitoes in your garage is to just buy commercial products like insecticides and traps. You can also make the products yourself, but take note that DIY approaches can be ineffective.
Outside your home, clean water sources and trim greeneries to avoid attracting mosquitoes. You can also try attracting natural mosquito predators.