Termite tenting is one of the most effective methods of killing the termites infesting your home, but did you know that you can get rid of termites without tenting? Here are some methods that are proven to be effective and safe in getting rid of termites without tenting.
What is tenting?
Termite tenting is the process of putting a tent around your home and bombing your property with a pesticide. Once your home is closed off from the outside world, professional pest controllers will release a gas fumigant to get rid of the termites on your property.
The great thing about termite tenting is that it is very effective. Since the fumigant is gas, it can seep through every little crack and crevice in your property where the termites may be hiding. This is especially useful for severe termite infestations where you can no longer focus your treatment on a single part of your home.
And since your property is closed off with a tent, the gas will not escape and just focus its potency on your property. This will also lessen the impact of the gas on the environment and your neighborhood.
The gas fumigant can also kill other pests in your property that you are not even aware of, such as bed bugs, cockroaches, and even rats. But you may need a larger amount of the fumigant to effectively get rid of these pests.
Why is it risky?
Termite tenting is completely safe if you and your professional pest controller follow the right protocols. But this doesn’t mean you can just be complacent. Termite tenting can be dangerous primarily because of the components of the gas fumigant. It has sulfuryl fluoride, a compound that has negative effects on the nervous system.
Even though it is not common, sulfuryl fluoride can be fatal to humans, pets, and plants. That’s why it’s important to stay away from the termite tenting area for two to three days and cover your consumables and personal items so they don’t get contaminated with the gas fumigant.
It’s a good thing that the gas fumigant dissipates quickly once the professional pest controller removes the tent. If it doesn’t, it may make termite tenting an even riskier solution to your termite problems.
Some homeowners don’t want the risk involved with harmful chemicals, so they are trying to find ways to get rid of termites without tenting. Some even rely on home remedies.

How do you get rid of termites without tenting?
If you are a homeowner who doesn’t want the risk involved with harmful chemicals, here are some methods you can try to get rid of termites without tenting.
1. Boric acid treatment
The best thing about boric acid is that it’s very accessible. You probably already have some at home. If you don’t, you can easily buy some at the grocery store and even in online stores.
Here is how you can use the boric acid treatment for your termite problem:
- Find the termites bothering your home. Look for the signs of a termite infestation to help you find the termites in your property. Basically, you should look for clicking sounds, hollow and rotten wooden structures, mud tubes, and termite droppings. These will lead you to the termite colony.
- Create a borate solution and put it in a syringe. You can try sprinkling boric acid in the termite colony, but this may not be as effective as injecting a borate solution. Combine about a teaspoon of boric acid and about 8 oz of water. Mix them well and put the solution inside a syringe.
- Drill a hole in the termite colony and inject the borate solution. If you don’t see a hole in the termite colony, drill one yourself. Inject a generous amount of borate solution using the syringe.
Using the boric acid treatment is cheap and easy. But you have to re-apply the borate solution again and again because it doesn’t last very long. It will take a while to get rid of the entire termite colony using this treatment, but at least you are not using pesticides.
2. Orange oil treatment
Orange oil is an effective and safe essential oil you can use against termites. It has D-limonene, a natural pest killer you can even use against other pests such as fleas. Because orange oil is natural, it’s not as invasive as other pest control methods. In fact, orange oil is one of the most popular DIY termite treatments for those who don’t want to undergo termite fumigation.
Using the orange oil treatment is quite simple. Just follow the steps from the boric acid treatment. You find the termite colony, prepare a syringe with the solution, and inject the solution into the colony. You don’t have to mix the orange oil with water. You can put pure orange oil in the syringe.
Like the boric acid treatment, you should re-apply the orange oil treatment again and again to ensure its effectiveness.
3. Spot wood treatment
Here is some good news about termites – they are not always widespread around your property. It’s not uncommon for them to stay in specific spots in your home. A concentrated termite colony is a lot easier to deal with compared to one spread out in your entire property.
One of the most effective ways to get rid of termites without tenting is through the spot wood treatment. This is especially effective against concentrated termite colonies. Unlike boric acid and orange oil, spot wood treatments have harmful properties. But at least you don’t need to leave your home for a few days, and you don’t need to cover your entire property with a tent. Spot wood treatment is less stressful than termite tenting, but also less natural than boric acid and orange oil treatments.
Once you have found the concentrated termite colony, apply the spot wood treatment according to its instructions. Usually, you inject the treatment too, like that of the borate solution and orange oil.

Should you still consider tenting your home?
Yes, you can get rid of termites without tenting. But this doesn’t mean you should rely on these methods. If you have paid attention to the methods listed above, you will notice that all of them require you to know where the termite colony is.
Finding a termite colony may take some time and effort, especially for someone who is handling termites for the first time. That’s why it’s still advisable to drop the DIY methods and get a professional pest controller instead.
Professional pest controllers have a lot of methods under their disposal, such as spot treatments, heat treatments, and of course, termite tenting. If your professional pest controller recommends termite tenting, don’t be afraid. As long as you follow instructions, it can be the safest and most effective method to get rid of the termites on your property.