Flies are disgusting creatures. They thrive in the filthiest of places, spit on your food, defecate on your belongings, and spread diseases. So, needless to say, they are unwelcome guests! But how do flies get into your house? Where do they come from?
1. Through open doors and windows
Flies get into your house through doors and windows. So, try and keep windows and doors closed to prevent these vile pests from using them to get into your home. But that is easier said than done, especially during summer or if you live in a particularly hot area. It also doesn’t help that flies reproduce during the warmer months of the year.
Think of a way to cool and ventilate your house while keeping your doors and windows closed. The most efficient way is to just use air conditioners and fans. There are also a lot of smarter options that require more research, such as replacing your lights with LED.
2. If you have damaged screens and weatherstrips
You can install screens and weather strips for your doors and windows. Screens can serve as an extra layer of protection, so you can actually open your windows and still prevent flies from getting into your house. Weatherstrips are also great. Flies are small creatures that can get through the small gaps at the edges of your doors and windows. Weatherstrips can close off these small gaps for you.
Unfortunately, screens and weather strips can get damaged, rendering them ineffective in blocking flies. Inspect them regularly and replace them when necessary.
3. There are cracks and holes in your walls
Any opening that bridges your house and the outside world is a potential passageway for flies. The cracks and holes in your walls are no exception. Cracks and holes are devastating offenders. This is because they can also house the pests. Flies are known to start nests in a variety of places in and out of your house, like your garbage cans and the voids in your walls.
There are many commercial products and DIY solutions to sealing cracks and holes in your walls. Using caulk or concrete patches is a common option.
4. You have broken pipes and exposed drains
Pipes and drains are not exactly the first house openings that come into your mind. But you should also prioritize fixing broken pipes and exposed drains. There are particular fly species that use them to get into your house.
The most notorious among these species is known as the drain fly. As their name suggests, these flies can be found buzzing around inside your drains, sinks, and other similar areas. Get help from professional plumbers to fix all your piping problems that can attract these pests.

5. Food and water is left lying around
Flies are more likely to get into your house if you have accessible food and water. Obviously, flies need resources to survive, so these items are going to attract them. Avoid having food and water out in the open, like in your countertops and kitchen tables. Put them in cabinets, containers, or refrigerators.
Also, remember to clean up immediately after eating. You don’t want to attract flies with the food crumbs on your dining table, the drink spills on your countertops and the leftovers and residue in your sink.
6. You don’t throw away spoiled food
Do you notice in movies how dead animals always seem to be surrounded by flies and maggots? This is not just an exaggeration for cinematic purposes. Flies are indeed attracted to rotting and spoiled meat. Some fly species are more attracted to it than others, like blow flies.
Flies can also lay their eggs on food that has been unattended for a long time. This is unlikely, but you shouldn’t take any chances either. Throw food away if you have not attended to it for a long time. It may be spoiled already anyway.
7. Overflowing or open garbage cans
There are more food and water sources in your house than you realize. Your garbage cans in particular are a haven of resources for a variety of pests. They contain crumbs, leftovers, and residue. And many times, these are also in the process of rotting or spoiling. Garbage cans also offer a lot of protection and warmth. They are the perfect nest for pests.
Empty your garbage cans regularly, especially the ones near doors, windows, and other potential passageways. Make sure they are empty enough to keep their lids down. If they have their lids up, the food and water items inside them are exposed and more likely to attract pests.
8. Your home’s exterior is not maintained properly
If you have a fly infestation outside, you are more likely to have flies that are trying to get into your house. The key is to prevent fly infestations outside. You can do this by getting rid of fly attractors — food and water. Remember that food and water items are not limited to things that you consider edible. Your pet’s feces, for instance, are fly attractors.
Get rid of potential nesting spots, such as unmaintained garbage cans, unkempt bushes, and debris like old tires.

9. You have fruit and vegetables in your garden
If you have a garden where you grow your own fruits and vegetables, make sure to pick up those that fall to the ground and those that are ready to be picked anyway. Prime and rotten fruits and vegetables are attractors of many pests, not just flies.
There is also a particular type of fly that is attracted to the fermenting juices of rotting fruits — fruit flies, as their name suggests.
10. You don’t take care of your outdoor plants
Your outdoor plants can also attract flies that will eventually want to get into your house. There are two common kinds of flies that like plants — fungus gnats and root maggot flies. Fungus gnats like organic matter in the soil, such as fungi. Meanwhile, root maggot flies like the roots of vegetables you typically see in a garden, like carrots.
Go to your garden supply store and buy a product that can help prevent and eliminate fly infestations. They may have beneficial nematodes and even insecticides around.