We would all like to live in harmony with animals and nature as much as we possibly can. So, if they are bothering us, we would rather find ways of removing or deterring them: rather than killing or harming them. But it is not always easy, especially if they are hostile and potentially dangerous insects – such as yellow jackets. So, how do you get rid of yellow jackets without killing them?
Why you should not harm yellow jackets
Yellow jackets have a tendency to nest near humans, and as a result, they can potentially be harmful to you and your family. But this doesn’t mean you should just kill them. As sentient human beings at the top of the food chain, so we should know better. So, here are some reasons why you should not harm yellow jackets.
- They can be very dangerous, especially when threatened. You should spare yellow jackets not just out of the goodness of your heart. There is a practical reason to leave them alone – they are aggressive animals that can sting you multiple times. In worst cases, yellow jacket stings can be deadly.
- Their nest can naturally die off. Yellow jackets thrive during the warm seasons. The heat during these seasons gives yellow jackets more energy to search for food, not to mention that it’s also good for all the prey they like to hunt. Yellow jacket nests can naturally die off as the colder months kick in because of the lack of resources. So sometimes, it’s a good idea to just wait it out instead of troubling yourself and risking your health in actively getting rid of an infestation.
- They are actually beneficial to the environment. Nature didn’t create yellow jackets just to annoy humans. They serve an important role. They are pollinators – not as effective as bees, but they are pollinators, nonetheless. Yellow jackets also feed on harmful organisms around you, such as houseflies and their larvae.

How to get rid of yellow jackets without killing them
There is only truly one way to avoid harming yellow jackets – stop them from bothering you. If they are not bothering you, there is no real reason to harm them. You only get the idea of harming them when you think they are a threat.
1. Prevent them from thriving on your property
Make your property as unattractive to yellow jackets as much as you can. You can do this by limiting resources and faking a wasp infestation.
- Make food and water inaccessible. Remember that yellow jackets die off when there are no resources in the vicinity, so they won’t thrive on your property during the colder months where food and water are scarce. You can mimic this environment by storing your food and water items properly and practicing proper waste disposal and management.
- Set up a fake wasp nest. Do you know that yellow jackets are a kind of wasp? They are also territorial. If they see that your property is already occupied by another wasp colony, they won’t bother fighting and taking over. They will look for another area to build their nest.
2. Discourage them when you see them around
When you see yellow jackets buzzing around your property, don’t make them feel welcome. Make it appear like they won’t thrive there.
- Try non-toxic insect repellents. There are commercial insect repellents you can spray around your property or apply on yourself. There are also non-toxic versions. But to be sure you are safe, follow the instructions in their packaging.
- Lure them away with attractive baits. There is no reason to nest on your property when there is an area nearby that is more attractive. Lure the yellow jackets away with meat or sugary foods like ripe fruits and sodas. These food items effectively attract yellow jackets. Some people even use them in yellow jacket traps.
3. Wait for the cold to naturally get rid of them
Yellow jackets occupy their nest only for a limited time. This is because they can’t thrive all year round due to the coldness and lack of resources. You can say that this isn’t exactly a tip to get rid of yellow jackets without killing them. But it is an option if you don’t like to bother getting rid of the pests actively.
- Protect children and pets. Continue using repellents to shield children and pets against yellow jackets. Also, supervise them, especially when they are outside where they are more vulnerable to yellow jackets. Children and pets tend to follow or touch animals or objects that interest them, and that can put them in danger.
- Keep all doors and windows closed. Keep the yellow jackets out of your home by closing all possible entry points, not just doors and windows, but also cracks, gaps, and holes.

But sometimes you don’t have a choice
Sure, there are ways to get rid of yellow jackets without killing them. But many times, the yellow jackets offer you no choice. They may be too much of a danger and nuisance on your property that you may have to rely on more aggressive pest control methods.
- Call a pest control professional. Pest control services will always be the way to go when trying to get rid of yellow jackets. This is because yellow jackets are no ordinary pests that you can get rid of yourself, like ants. Trying to get rid of yellow jackets on your own may also put you in danger.
- Be careful of DIY methods. If you are really insistent on getting rid of the pests yourself, there are effective methods you can try. You can pour soapy water into their nest or bomb their nest with insecticide. But make sure to wear a bee veil to avoid yellow jacket stings. If you can’t find a bee veil, cover your eyes and skin as much as you can with long-sleeved shirts, pants, gloves, goggles, and masks.
Try to get rid of yellow jackets without killing them
If you are suffering from a yellow jacket infestation, try to get rid of it without harming the pests. However, also understand that yellow jackets are very dangerous. You may need to try more aggressive methods if they are becoming too aggressive and invasive.