Wasps have the potential to be very dangerous – they can sting you, even if you don’t actively provoke them. They can nest near your home and destroy your property. Even if they leave, the debris they have left in your home can attract more pests. So, here are the reasons why you should get rid of wasps around your property.
1. Wasps can be very dangerous
Bees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets – these stinging pests can be very dangerous because of their stingers. But wasps can be particularly dangerous because they can sting you repeatedly, unlike bees who can only sting once before they die.
The worst part is the fact that wasps can sting you even if you are just relaxing outside your home. You don’t even need to provoke them for them to be aggressive. They are also quite territorial. So, if they have a nest near your home and see you, they may tag you as a threat to their colony and attack.
Wasp stings are dangerous because they inject venom. Your body can have an allergic reaction to these stings. You can experience itching, pain, and swelling. If those are the only things you experience, you are in luck. If you are not so lucky, you can have a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. This is a medical emergency. If you have difficulty breathing or severe swelling in the tongue or throat, seek medical attention immediately.
2. Wasps can hurt your pets too
You are probably not alone in your property. You may have children playing around in your garden, lawn, or yard. And you will definitely supervise them so they are not vulnerable to dangers such as wasps.
But you may end up ignoring your pets. Take note that your pets are at risk of wasp stings too. This is especially true for goofy and playful pets like certain dog breeds. They may try to catch some of the wasps buzzing around in your property. But wasps don’t play games. They may view your pet’s mouths and paws as threats instead of playful objects. Like humans, animals can suffer from allergic reactions to wasp stings and may die.
In short, wasps are dangerous to everyone on your property. You don’t need other reasons to get rid of wasps.
3. Wasps can cause structural damage
Your problem is not just the wasps themselves, but also their nest. Wasps can nest directly in your home or somewhere near it. In your home, they can nest beneath decks, eaves, and patios. They can also nest in the cracks and crevices in your walls and near light sources and mailboxes. Near your home, they can nest in bushes and trees. There are also wasp species that nest on the ground. You will find them beneath concrete, usually in the driveway or patio. You can also find them under rocks.
Wasp nests are spherical, but they are not perfectly round. Some adapt to their vicinity. They look like they are made of mud or some kind of paper-like material. If you see a wasp nest near your home, don’t attempt to burn or hit it. You will only make the wasps angry and defensive. If you think you can’t handle the situation yourself, don’t be afraid to get the help of pest control professionals.
Wasps can be bad particularly to the wooden parts of your home. They chew on wood and use the material to help build their nest. Get rid of these pests immediately before they sting someone important to you or cause significant structural damage in your property.
4. Wasps can introduce new kinds of pests in your home
If you are getting rid of wasps on your property, make sure to completely destroy the nest and fix the structural damage they have caused. If you don’t, these may attract new pests to your home.
Wasps can nest on high and often undisturbed places on your property. They can borrow through wood and create hollows and tunnels. These features are very attractive to different kinds of pests, including bees, the wasps’ close cousins.
You should particularly look out for carpenter bees. Like wasps, they thrive in warm weather and like to stay in the high wooden places in your home.

But wasps are not all-bad
Yes, there are a lot of reasons to get rid of wasps. These pests can be very troublesome. But nature didn’t make them just to annoy people. They are part of a larger ecosystem. And no, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get rid of the wasps near your home anymore. It’s just a different perspective that may make you a little more sympathetic towards these creatures. You may even want to get rid of wasps without harming them.
1. Wasps are natural pest controllers
Wasps hunt for common farm and garden pests such as aphids, armyworms, caterpillars, spiders, weevils, and whiteflies. In fact, they are such effective predators that some farmers and gardeners incorporate wasps into their crops and gardens as natural pest controllers.
However, wasps are very opportunistic. They will hunt any kind of insect in their midst. This means they also end up hunting down beneficial insects.
2. Wasps help in pollination
This may come as a surprise to you – bees are not the only pollinators on earth. Their close cousins, the wasps, are also pollinators. Wasps are not as effective in pollination compared to bees because they don’t have hairy legs.
But hey, considering that the world is experiencing a decline in its pollinator populations, it may be a good idea to not kill wasps. Sure, they are not as effective as other pollinators, but the world needs them now more than ever.

These are significant reasons to get rid of wasps
Wasps play a key role to sustain the Earth’s health, but they can be very dangerous when close to humans. When they are near your property, it’s more likely for you to experience the disadvantages than the advantages. Get rid of the wasps in your property as soon as you can, but consider doing it in a way that will not harm them.