When it comes to pests like flies, most people’s first reaction is to kill them. But there are more humane ways to get rid of these pests. You can drive them away or catch them and release them outside. Here are some ways to get rid of flies without killing them.
Why do you have flies at home in the first place?
Even if you get rid of the flies bothering your home, your property won’t be completely safe from the pests if you don’t know why they are there in the first place. You will just attract a new cluster of flies and have to get rid of them all over again! You have to understand your enemy in order to get rid of them for good.
Flies are in your property because of one simple reason – resources… If your home gives them easy access to food and water, you can be sure that flies will be there. With this in mind, you should do your best to make food and water inaccessible across your property.
Store your food properly. Clear your trash cans regularly. And keep your entire home clean.

How can you get rid of flies without killing them?
Here are six ways you can try to get rid of flies without killing them. The great thing about these ways is that they are very simple. Most of the materials you will need for them are very accessible. You may even have them already lying around your property.
1. Use repellents to drive flies away
Animals are naturally repelled by certain substances, mainly because of how these substances smell. Use this to your advantage. You can drive flies away by putting the substances they are repelled to around your home.
You can use cloves and lemons outside your home. Simply cut lemons and sprinkle some cloves into them. Put them around your windows and other areas where flies can get through.
You can also use ginger inside your home. Simply mix dried ginger and water in a spray bottle and spray around your property. The strong smell will drive the flies away.
2. Buy fly traps (or make one yourself)
When people think of traps, they almost always imagine dangerous mechanisms that kill their victims. But not all traps kill. Some traps just capture, so you can release the victims back into the wild.
You can buy traps, like bug vacuums and flycatchers. You can find them in gardening supplies, pest control shops, and other retailers. But you can also make DIY fly traps with apple cider vinegar and a soda bottle.
Pour apple cider vinegar and water into the soda bottle. Cut the upper portion of the soda bottle, invert it, and place it on the lower portion. This will create a funnel leading to the vinegar-water solution at the bottle. Flies will be attracted to the solution and get trapped inside the bottle.
Some flies may end up drowning and dying, but some flies may survive, as long as they have the energy to buzz inside the trap. Release the trapped flies back into the wild, but release them far enough so they don’t disturb your property again.
3. Turn on the fans to blow flies away
Getting rid of flies without killing them isn’t always complicated. You don’t always need to brew something in your kitchen or buy something from a pest control shop. Sometimes, all you need is the fan you have at home.
Flies are small and weak fliers. With a little wind resistance, you will be able to blow them away. The easiest and most accessible way to make wind resistance is by using a fan. Simply turn on the fans on your property and let them wreak havoc on the flies.
Make sure that your doors and windows are open so the flies have a chance to escape your property. But be careful of keeping your home’s passageways open for too long, especially if you have food and water lying in the open on your property. You may end up attracting other pests.
4. Catch flies with a cup
Flies buzz around your property and land on surfaces from time to time. This is one of their many ways of spreading disease-causing bacteria. Use this to your advantage.
When you see the flies resting on a surface, trap them by putting a cup over them. Gently slide a thin-surfaced object, like a piece of paper, under the cup. This way, you will be able to bring the cup outside with its victims still inside.
Release the flies by letting go of the piece of paper. Again, make sure you are releasing in an area that is not too near your home or the flies you have just released may end up disturbing you again.
5. Catch flies with your hands
Flies react fast, so it won’t be easy to catch them with your hands. But it’s possible with enough practice. You can treat it as a challenge or a game.
But this method is not really advisable because of one simple reason – flies are not the most sanitary animals in the world. Flies are attracted to a lot of disgusting things. For example, drain flies are attracted to stagnant water. Fruit flies are attracted to rotting fruits and vegetables. And root maggot flies are attracted to the soil in your garden.
Flies are dirty and you may not want to touch them. There are better methods out there, but nobody is stopping you from trying this one.
6. Get rid of the things that flies find attractive
One of the best ways to get rid of flies without killing them is by getting rid of their attractors – the resources around your property. Store your food and water products properly, so they don’t get easily detected and consumed by flies. This includes pet food.
Clear your garbage cans regularly. Remember that they are incredible sources of food and water. Even the smallest residues and stains can provide sustenance. Keep your garbage cans closed too.
And of course, keep the general cleanliness of your home. Pests are not just looking for food and water. They are also looking for shelter. And many pests find dark, dirty, moist, and undisturbed areas as ideal breeding grounds.

Get rid of flies humanely if possible
Yes, you can get rid of flies without killing them. As much as possible, you want to rely on these humane methods. But don’t restrict yourself.
If you think you are suffering from a terrible fly infestation, don’t hesitate to use other methods. You can even call professional pest controllers if you think you can’t handle the infestation yourself.